Dr kaprekar mathematician biography |
Dattatreya Ramchandra Kaprekar (Marathi: दत्तात्रेय रामचंद्र कापरेकर; 17 January – ) was an Indian recreational mathematician who described several classes of natural numbers including the Kaprekar, harshad and self numbers and discovered the Kaprekar's constant, named after him. |
Dr kaprekar mathematician biography in hindi |
दत्तात्रय रामचंद्र कापरेकर ( - ) एक भारतीय गणितज्ञ थे। उन्होने संख्या सिद्धान्त के क्षेत्र में अनेक योगदान किया, जिनमें से कर्पेकर संख्या तथा कर्पेकर स्थिरांक प्रमुख हैं। यद्यपि उन्होने औपचारिक रूप से परास्नातक See more. |
Famous mathematician biography |
Here’s our alphabetical list of the most popular mathematicians or contributors to mathematics on the Famous Scientists site, ordered by surname. |
Dr kaprekar mathematician biography wikipedia |
D R Kaprekar was a largely self-taught Indian mathematician who worked in in number theory. |