Dr kaprekar mathematician biography

Dr kaprekar mathematician biography in hindi

  • दत्तात्रय रामचंद्र कापरेकर ( - ) एक भारतीय गणितज्ञ थे। उन्होने संख्या सिद्धान्त के क्षेत्र में अनेक योगदान किया, जिनमें से कर्पेकर संख्या तथा कर्पेकर स्थिरांक प्रमुख हैं। यद्यपि उन्होने औपचारिक रूप से परास्नातक See more.
  • Dr kaprekar mathematician biography
  • Dr kaprekar mathematician biography wikipedia

  • D R Kaprekar was a largely self-taught Indian mathematician who worked in in number theory.
  • Famous mathematician biography
  • Dr kaprekar mathematician biography

  • Dattatreya Ramchandra Kaprekar (Marathi: दत्तात्रेय रामचंद्र कापरेकर; 17 January – ) was an Indian recreational mathematician who described several classes of natural numbers including the Kaprekar, harshad and self numbers and discovered the Kaprekar's constant, named after him. Despite See more.
  • dr kaprekar mathematician biography
    1. Dr kaprekar mathematician biography D R Kaprekar was a largely self-taught Indian mathematician who worked in in number theory.
      Dr kaprekar mathematician biography in hindi दत्तात्रय रामचंद्र कापरेकर ( - ) एक भारतीय गणितज्ञ थे। उन्होने संख्या सिद्धान्त के क्षेत्र में अनेक योगदान किया, जिनमें से कर्पेकर संख्या तथा कर्पेकर स्थिरांक प्रमुख हैं। यद्यपि उन्होने औपचारिक रूप से परास्नातक See more.
      Famous mathematician biography Here’s our alphabetical list of the most popular mathematicians or contributors to mathematics on the Famous Scientists site, ordered by surname.
      Dr kaprekar mathematician biography wikipedia D R Kaprekar was a largely self-taught Indian mathematician who worked in in number theory.
    Dr kaprekar mathematician biography Dattatreya Ramchandra Kaprekar (Marathi: दत्तात्रेय रामचंद्र कापरेकर; 17 January – ) was an Indian recreational mathematician who described several classes of natural numbers including the Kaprekar, harshad and self numbers and discovered the Kaprekar's constant, named after him.
    Dr kaprekar mathematician biography in hindi दत्तात्रय रामचंद्र कापरेकर ( - ) एक भारतीय गणितज्ञ थे। उन्होने संख्या सिद्धान्त के क्षेत्र में अनेक योगदान किया, जिनमें से कर्पेकर संख्या तथा कर्पेकर स्थिरांक प्रमुख हैं। यद्यपि उन्होने औपचारिक रूप से परास्नातक See more.
    Famous mathematician biography Here’s our alphabetical list of the most popular mathematicians or contributors to mathematics on the Famous Scientists site, ordered by surname.
    Dr kaprekar mathematician biography wikipedia D R Kaprekar was a largely self-taught Indian mathematician who worked in in number theory.

    Famous mathematician biography

  • Here’s our alphabetical list of the most popular mathematicians or contributors to mathematics on the Famous Scientists site, ordered by surname.
  • Dr kaprekar mathematician biography in hindi